Tombstones to Cornerstones
Hope and Help for Churches in Stress and Decline

The truth is, most of us have never considered that God may be moving some congregations to finish their work that started decades ago. Thus begins the allegory of the three families who met with their new friend Joshua, who explore the possibilities of their small and struggling congregation becoming greater glory to God than they ever imagined.
The direction God has been leading me is to reach out to congregations who find themselves at the crossroads of their own future and help them navigate becoming a Cornerstone for Kingdom growth.
The conversations with church leaders are occurring almost daily now, and we are getting calls from all over the country seeking guidance and wisdom on the issue of “what do we do when we find our congregation no longer sustaining health?”
I hope you will find the desire to pick up this book and share it with your own spiritual family; your congregation and leaders. Included below is the link to get the book directly from the publisher. If you have any questions or wish to explore the concepts found in this book, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
May God bless your prayerful journey.
Hope and Help for Churches in Stress and Decline

Tombstones To Cornerstones
Many churches face hard times for many reasons, and while struggling to make the right decision for each unique congregation, many church leaders are finding the future is far less certain than ever before. The search for congregational identity, what to do with the church properties that when first developed were worth a fraction of what they are now, and how to serve a rapidly changing social and economic demographic have many congregations wondering if they should even exist at all.
To help bring the hope of God back to the people, Rick Krug and Jessica Knapp bring insights and admonitions designed to help churches and their leaders navigate the unknown
future. Tombstones To Cornerstones: Hope and Help For Churches In Stress and Decline is an excellent eye-opening resource to raise awareness to the challenges churches can face and the helpful guidance churches can gain from the author’s thoughtful research, personal experiences, and truly viable options for God-honoring decisions moving forward.